Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


The Cabin in the Woods (2012) or, All the Tricks in the Woods

The totally constructed poster for Drew Goddard's The Cabin in the Woods


5 youngsters go to a cabin somewhere in desolate Nowheresville with only unpleasant hicks around. SPOILER Zombies attack. It turns out that everything they experience is orchestrated from a subterranean office that kill them as part of a sacrificial ritual.

It is unfathomable to me how this horror 'deconstruction' freak work became as lauded as it did, (it has a Metacritic score of 7.2 and an IMDb rating of 7.0.) Cabin is not funny, and it's not scary. - In fact its first 50 minutes (in which SPOILER no-one dies) are downright tedious.
It all ends SPOILER in a bizarrely action-packed monster extravaganza finale.
Cabin in the Woods is well-produced, obviously, but far from a good film.
It is written by Joss Whedon (The Avengers (2012)) and debuting director Drew Goddard (Cloverfield (2008), writer), who is in pre-production with his next film, Marvel's The Sinister Six (2016), a Spider-Man spinoff-type product.

Watch the trailer here

Cost: 30 mil. $
Box office: 66.5 mil. $
= Minor flop
[The movie was shot in the Spring of 2009, and its release was delayed by 2 years due to the bankruptcy of its production company MGM, who eventually, in their new form, decided to sell its distribution rights, which were acquired by Lionsgate. The film made 42 mil. $ (63 % of the gross) in the States, with the most important secondary countries being the UK (8.5 mil. $), France (2.4 mil. $) and Russia (2.3 mil. $). It has won a whopping 17 awards, although none major.]

What do you think of The Cabin in the Woods?
Should we be excited about Goddard's coming movie, and if so, why?

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